MDC would like to exclusively offer Tamaki Marine Park dry stack and marina patrons 10% off first vessel valet. This offer includes a free maintenance kit.
The maintenance Kit includes a bottle of Koch Chemie Nano Magic Shampoo and a microfibre wash mitt valued at $65.
To take advantage of this offer contact MDC at:
Harry King : 0211758174
Matt Fox : 02102735590
Or you can find a link Marine Detailing Company home page on our website at Services

Boats do much better if they are run regularly, at least once a month. This stops things from seizing, rusting, going flat, etc. Over winter you really want to be doing this once a month to keep things in good working order.
If you can’t get to your boat on a regular basis, we are able to get your boat down and run up all the systems, testing the charging, engine pumps, and electrical systems and casting a professional eye over everything. Don’t find out you have problems when are ready for a day on the water. Step on your boat with confidence.
Just give us a call or drop us an email to arrange. 5370502,
If you are connected to shore power you need a yearly shore power lead Test and Tag. Drop it into the shop or we can test it on your boat at TMP $30 incl. GST
You also need a current EWOF. This four-yearly inspection ensures your boat is safe and complies with current regulations. Inspection cost $230 incl. GST